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what is pilates?

“Pilates is the complete coordination of mind, body and spirit”

Joseph Pilates

The Pilates Method, a system of exercises created by Joseph Pilates in the early 20th Century, was designed to improve physical strength, flexibility, and posture while enhancing mental awareness.

why pilates?

Length + Strength


The unique spring tension of Pilates' apparatus works the muscles of the body eccentrically, meaning they are lengthening AND strengthening at the same time. This action combined with attention to proper alignment, efficiency and flow all help to balance the body and promote long, lean muscle tone.



It’s Simple...but Sneaky


Most exercises are performed lying on the back with surprisingly low reps for each exercise which on the surface seems easy, right? New clients often worry they didn’t do enough in their session only to realize they've worked muscles they didn’t know existed when they wake up the next morning.  The more the body practices, the more it understands; the more the body understands, the more challenge and benefit the method has to offer.



A Healthy Core Gets You More


An organized, healthy core provides greater ease and comfort to exercise, sports and everyday activities.  By engaging not only the abdominals, but those in the back and pelvic floor (we call that ‘the Powerhouse’) we support the spine, improve posture, guard against injury and bring deeper enjoyment to life's everyday movement.




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